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Snowman C++ Decompiler

Standalone Version

Supports ARM, x86, and x86-64 architectures.

Reads ELF, Mach-O, and PE file formats. Reconstructs functions, their names and arguments, local and global variables, expressions, integer, pointer and structural types, all types of control-flow structures, including switch. Has a nice graphical user interface with one-click navigation between the assembler code and the reconstructed program.

Has a command-line interface for batch processing.

IDA Plug-in

Enjoys all executable file formats supported by the disassembler.

Benefits from IDA’s signature search, parsers of debug information, and demanglers.

Decompiles a chosen function or the whole program by push of a button.

Allows easy jumping between the disassembler and the decompiled code.

Fully integrates into IDA’s GUI. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

PGP public key, to verify the signatures of the git tags.

Installation Instructions

Standalone version you can just unpack and run. IDA plug-in is installed by copying .plw, .p64, .plx, .dll, .so files to IDA’s plugins directory.

Usage Instructions Do not try to decompile large programs at once. Select a necessary part in the assembly listing and push Ctrl-E instead. Or better use the Snowman IDA plug-in.

When using the IDA plug-in, press F3 to decompile the function under cursor.


To report a bug or request a feature, please create an issue.

To submit a patch open a pull request.

To ask questions, use the mailing list.

To ask questions that should not go in public, write me an e-mail.



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