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Sky Nations

Sky Nations is a multiplayer sandbox game where players can join together to build air ships(cannons and all!) and do battle across a vast world procedural world full of relics and machines from an ancient world waiting to be plundered by daring sky captains and their motley crews. Features -Buildable and pilotable Airships -Unique procedural world full of different islands and machines- -Simple crafting system to make use of the items you salvage -Player hosted persistant multiplayer Servers -Item Sculpter for creating unique wearable items from blocks. -Easily reskinnable textures -Friendly and enemy monsters(coming soon) -Modding(C#) support(coming soon) Sky Nations is currently in a alpha stage of development. It is -developed and maintained solely by one developer(MrBenjammin). Who began the game around 2 years ago when it was originally intended to be an isometric game.