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Simplify3D provides 3D printing software that streamlines the process of 3D printing and allows you to create better 3D prints. Simplify the process, improve the results! ALL-IN-ONE 3D PRINTING SOFTWARE No need to use multiple software applications for your 3D printer. One powerful application allows you to import, manipulate, repair, slice, preview, and start printing a 3D model in a matter of minutes. -Access hundreds of pre-configured profiles that are optimized for your printer. -Adjust as few or as many settings as you wish. -Print over USB or with an SD card. THE FASTEST 3D SLICER Slice your 3D models in seconds, not minutes, allowing you to quickly and easily perform multiple iterations in order to achieve the best quality. -Slice complex models in seconds. -Preview your 3D part to identify potential areas of improvement. -Adjust settings, slice, and repeat as many times as you need to! SMART SUPPORTS Support material that is fully customizable and easy to remove. Automatically generate support material based on overhang angles, then add or remove supports as needed. -Customize the placement, size, and angle of support material. -Snap off supports easily without damaging your part. OPTIMIZED DUAL EXTRUSION Create stunning dual-color parts with the Dual Extrusion Wizard. Unique features prevent filament from oozing on your print, resulting in sharp definition between colors. -Protect your part from blobs and defects using the Ooze Shield and Prime Pillar. -Print the part in one material and the support structures in another, allowing you to use dissolvable filament. SIMPLIFIED MULTI-PART PRINTING Easily print multiple parts at the same time to save time and increase efficiency. -Quickly manipulate where parts are placed to make the most of the build plate. -Control whether to print continuously layer-by-layer or sequentially. -Change settings such as infill, support generation, layer height, and temperature for each part as needed.



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Microsoft Print 3D

Microsoft Print 3D

Quickly and easily prepare objects for 3D printing on your PC. With support for Wifi printers, you can 3D print from anywhere ...