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ShortcutsMan displays the details about all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file. ShortcutsMan is a standalone program, so it doesn't require any installation or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just copy the executable (shman.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After running ShortcutsMan utility, wait until the shortcuts list is loaded. The main window of ShortcutsMan displays the list of all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file.