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Do you have a pile of receipts, business cards, and other documents that are cluttering up your work space? You know in the back of your mind that you might need them for taxes, reimbursements, budgeting, or bookkeeping - but you just don't have the time or motivation to get them organized.

Enter Shoeboxed! You mail your receipts, business cards, and the like to Shoeboxed, and they will be scanned and entered into an online account for you with the important data, like vendor name, date, total, payment type, and expense categories for receipts. Business cards are scanned and uploaded with the data from the front and back of each card. No scanning or data entry is required on your end, which can save hours every month, especially if you are running a small business. Be safe in case of an IRS audit, and be prepared for taxes and bookkeeping. Let us convert your paper business cards into usable sales and leads.

Monivu App

Monivu App

A simple 3-step process to organise your receipts in certain folders and have a general view of your spendings based on catego ...