Seriousbit Enhanso favicon

Seriousbit Enhanso

Windows 8.1 is fast and it is quite satisfying in the role of replacing Windows XP, but you can make it much faster and responsible with Enhanso. Enhanso includes any tweaks and tools you need to keep your Windows Vista, 7 or 8 in mint condition: Disk Cleaner - Automatically find and delete un-needed files and folders Defragmenter - Reduce the amount of fragmentation in file systems and registry System Info - Get maximum detailed information about your hardware and software System Tools - Utilize a collection of system tools that you haven't even heard about Security Tweaks - Easely configure the new security settings of Windows Vista, 7 or 8

Stop Resetting My Apps

Stop Resetting My Apps

As you may have already experienced, Windows 10 may periodically reset the default apps. The reset action usually takes place ...