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.Net based application that does Content-Aware Image Resizing just like Photoshop CS4.

See for Executable and Sourcecode.

Features included in this first release:

  • For maximum reusability, the seam carving algorithm is implemented in its own assembly (separate from the client application).
  • Seams may be carved both horizontally and vertically.
  • Two seam functions are included: cumulative and standard. Cumulative should faithfully represent the function in the original paper.
  • There are three methods for comparing seams: total, average, and diffbias. Diffbias is experimental and may not be very useful.
  • A simple bias map function makes it easy to preserve image details or ask for them to be removed.
  • Multiple energy functions are included. Sobel is likely the most useful.
  • Carved images can also be saved or copied to the clipboard. Note that the algorithm is computationally expensive, so for testing, it's much faster to work with smaller images.


ImageWell is a small, but powerful, image editing application that lets you quickly resize, crop, watermark, edit your images, ...