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Se7en File Replacer

System modders need to take ownership of a system file before it can be replaced.. To make this process a little less time consuming I wrote a small program that does these tasks for you... This program will, backup the OLD file, save the ownerships, take Admin Ownerships and replace it with the NEW dragged or manually selected system file to finally restore the ownerships back to how they were found. It does this in just a few seconds! Normally when a file is replaced the file's ownerships are changed and the "TrustedInstallers" will be gone. However, the Se7en File Replacer will save all file permissions of the file before replacing it and after replacement restores them back to how the Replacer found them!! (even TrustedInstallers if the file had them to begin with) The Replacer will first look in the "system32" folder for a match with your NEW dragged file if the OLD file is found it will be backed up and replaced without prompt, otherwise you will be asked to select it manually in a file open dialog box.