Scientilla is a new approach to give the scientific community an open, free, accurate, tidy and up-to-date production reporting solution. Scientilla is peer-to-peer (P2P) software which combines the concepts of Social Collaboration, Open Source and Open Data. Scientilla allows users to navigate through publications worldwide and to define, with the collaboration of the scientific community, an archive of unique profiles for organizations of any size and/or researchers. Scientilla is based on the idea that everyone can use a free and open P2P software, installed on their own computer or server, to list their own scientific production so that it can be shared and aggregated with those of others. In this way data will be cleaned from errors and omissions with the help of collaborative and analytical algorithms.

Using this software will be easy and fast for institutional committee, research administrators, department heads and researchers to have correct and complete data, to promote research, to track research performance and to find new collaborators.