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SBGuard Anti-Ransomware

By enabling protection, SBGuard Anti-Ransomware injects a large number of restriction mechanisms and modifies some core Windows components to prevent malicious behaviours and executions which Ransomware viruses use to infect the system. It injects around 700 registry entries to force Windows Group Policy to use inbuilt software execution restriction capabilities in certain locations and prevent certain file types from executing. On top of that it will disable Windows Gadgets (known vulnerability) and disallow several other system actions Ransomware will attempt to perform to encrypt your data. SBGuard Anti-Ransomware is not an Anti-virus. It is designed to prevent Ransomware infection and documents encryption. It will however help protect against many known viruses which use similar techniques to infect Windows PCs. For maximum possible protection, we recommend a bundle of SBGuard Anti-Ransomware and a reputable Anti Virus product. Important: SBGuard Anti-Ransomware could block legitimate programs from installing. It is recommended to disable protection before installing new Windows applications and then re-enabling it back after.