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StatusCake Pages

Its no longer good enough to get your downtime alert and then bury your head in the sand whilst you fix your website. Status Pages from StatusCake allow your entire company, as well as your customers to instantly see how your website and all functions are working. The status of your each function of your business is instantly displayed, and when a status changes, your subscribers will be instantly notified whether by email, SMS, or RSS feed. Your StatusCake Page is created just for you. Tailored to your brand, your support channels and more. So that when your services do have issues your customers and team can subscribe to status updates and be alerted in the best way for them. Your customers will know exactly where to look when there’s downtime, and your support staff will always be acting on information they know is up-to-date and accurate. This makes for a far better customer experience. Greater Visibility + Better support = (Happier Customers + Faster Growth)