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Aspose.Cells for Cloud

Aspose.Cells for Cloud is a REST based API for processing spreadsheets in the cloud. It allows creating, manipulating and converting spreadsheets in your web, desktop, mobile and cloud applications. It supports rows, columns, cells, text, data, images, hyperlinks, comments, formulas & many other aspects of spreadsheet. It can be used with any language to incorporate the spreadsheet processing features in any type of business application. It is a platform independent API & can be used with any language. Spreadsheets are commonly used in most of the businesses as a productivity tool to collect, organize, present, and share business data. Different software packages like Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc can be used to create, edit, and convert spreadsheets. However, a common requirement across all the businesses is to process these spreadsheets programmatically. You need to create new spreadsheets using your business applications. You also need to edit existing spreadsheets or convert those spreadsheets to different other formats. Aspose.Cells for Cloud provides you all the features to create, edit, and convert spreadsheets. Aspose.Cells for Cloud allows you to work with individual worksheets in a spreadsheet. You can add a new worksheet, update an existing worksheet, or remove a worksheet from the spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells for Cloud API. You can also sort the worksheets horizontally or vertically. In addition to that, you can add pagination in a worksheet as well. Use Aspose.Cells for Cloud to create spreadsheets from scratch, manipulate spreadsheets, and convert spreadsheets to other formats. Render a spreadsheet to image formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF and TIFF, or render charts and other objects to images.



Create gorgeous spreadsheets with Numbers for Mac. Get started with one of many Apple-designed templates for your home budget, ...