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SaaSiter Contacts Importer

Grow your business by allowing your users to import their contacts Allow your users to import contacts into your system. Using ContactsImporter widget they can access any contact providers, including Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo and many others. Capitalize on your existing user base and bring value to bigger network! Security for your users We use OAuth User Consent APIs whenever they're available because your users don't want to share their important passwords with anyone. Our widget is offered in both downloadable and hosted versions whatever fits better your platform. No more technical bottlenecks You can have it running on your website within 10 minutes. Simple integration code able to bring new contacts to your database instantly. And you don’t need to share your visitors with any 3rd service, including SAASiter! Flexible licensing and support agreements

  • With or without source-code.
  • White-labeling options.
  • Affordable support plans.
  • Integration service.
  • Business specific modules development.