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Resource Tuner

Resource Tuner lets you view, extract, replace, edit, and delete the embedded resources of executable files: icons, strings, images, sounds, dialogs, menus - all that make up the visual part of your Windows programs. Resource Editor screenshotsIn fact, it allows you to add your own custom branding to an application, change dialog messages, customize toolbar actions, and so on without having access to the actual source code. Resource Tuner offers exciting possibilities even if you aren't a programmer. It's perfect for translators, tweakers, and anyone else who wants a different look and feel for an application. Resource Tuner is about the only tool you would probably trust to modify resources in a PE executable. Discover the unique features of this Resource Editor, including how to open problem executable files and edit the hidden data which the other editors simply cannot see, wide range of supported resource types, UPX unpacker, and more. You will learn the industry standard program for translating and customizing the user interface.

Resource Editor

Resource Editor

The primary focus of the resource editor is RES files with a heavy bias toward the resource types commonly used by Delphi deve ...