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Raven Reader

Offline ready desktop RSS Reader without any distractions. One thing Raven has right from the off is its look: it’s clean, with ample spacing, and isn’t crowded up by buttons and toolbars. Raven uses a three-pane layout: On the left is a sidebar listing RSS feed sources and a slate of filter options, including “All Feeds”, “Recently Read” and “Unread only”. In the middle is the “article list” showing article headline, site name, publish date and an easy-to-spot site favicon. On the right is the “content” area where a plain-text version of each article is presented. The size of the first two columns isn’t adjustable but the width of the reading space can be made wider or more compact depending on your needs. Adding feeds is easy: click the bold blue add button, tap in a site URL and Raven will auto-detect any available feeds. Helpfully, when adding feeds you have the option to change the site name/label too, handy if you only subscribe to specific sections of a website. Alas, you can’t rename feeds once added, or adjust their order once added.