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Ramme is an unofficial open-source Instagram desktop application made with Electron.

Features: A Beautiful Instagram Experience Instagram on your Desktop with the behavior of an app, including a couple extra features to enhance your Instagram experience. Background Behavior When closing the window, the app will continue running in the background, in the dock on macOS and the tray on Linux/Windows. Right-click the dock/tray icon and choose Quit to completely quit the app. On macOS, click the dock icon to show the window. On Linux, right-click the tray icon and choose Toggle to toggle the window. On Windows, click the tray icon to toggle the window.

Dark Mode You can toggle dark mode in the Ramme menu or with Cmd D or Ctrl D. Keyboard shortcuts Go Back: ? Refresh: Cmd R or Ctrl R Go Back: Cmd 1 or Ctrl 1 Discover: Cmd 2 or Ctrl 2 Notifications: Cmd 3 or Ctrl 3 Profile: Cmd 4 or Ctrl 4



Provides free photo upload and hosting integration for forums. Free picture hosting and photo sharing for websites and blogs.