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Radxa Rock

Radxa Rock is a RK3188 based SBC(Single Board Computer) by Radxa. It has a quad core ARM processor, can run android or some Linux distributions. It also features 80 pin 2.54mm headers, which makes it easy to connect other sensors or use the GPIO.

Minnow Board

Minnow Board

The Minnow Board is Intel's entry into the hacker-space. It's a completely open-source single-board computer. It features a lo ...



UDOO is a multi development platform solution for Android, Linux, Arduino™ and Google ADK 2012. The board is designed to provi ...



Cubieboard is a single-board computer, made in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The first short run of prototype boards were sold i ...



The PandaBoard is a low-power, low-cost single-board computer development platform based on the Texas Instruments OMAP4430 sys ...