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Raccoon Reader

Raccoon Reader is a fast and simple reader for eBooks with large possibilities. The goal of authors is to create the best reader for Windows Phone 7, 8 and iOS.

Basic information: works with all Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 devices. works with all iOS devices. reads ePub, fb2, txt, fb2.zip file formats. provides 5 fonts and 5 color themes for text. 5 languages are supported (English by default) . download books from your Dropbox folder. download books from OPDS catalogs: feedbooks, ebooksgratuits, epubbooksru, flibusta. can store up to 20 books to the phone and read them offline. trial version and free version display advertisements on the library screen. trial version and free version limit you to only 5 books kept in Phone the paid version can set you free from it.



Aldiko is an e-book reader application for the Android operating system. It supports the EPUB industry standard format for dig ...