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Protect Folder

The new release of Protect Folder is here! Loaded with many new features, bug fixes and a brand new design! If you’re here for the first time, Protect Folder is a free software to lock and block your folders access with or without password. This will avoid curious people from accessing your private folders. Use it to block your videos, images, documents or any other content from curious eyes! Protect Folder integrates into the folders context menu in order to quickly help you locking/protect and unlocking/unprotect folders! This Protect Folder version brings a new feature so long awaited by all Protect Folder users, the possibility to recover your lost passwords! Now you just need to enter a recover email address and if you forget your password you’ll be able to recover it using your email address.

Folder Password Protect

Folder Password Protect

Data theft is becoming more common. Sensitive data loses happen due to thefts of laptops, hard drives and computers. To avoid ...