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Portal Cloud

Portal Cloud is a hosting service that enables anyone to run open source cloud applications.

  1. Create account - Enter your email address and choose a subdomain for your apps.
  2. Add apps - Add great open source cloud applications to your account in seconds.
  3. Pay monthly - Starting at just $10/mo per app, you only pay for what you use. Features Long-term Reliability Open source applications aren't subject to being shut down or acquired by large companies. Free Software Because the software is free, you only pay for the cost of hosting the application. Data Portability You have complete and exclusive access to your data, so you can take it with you anytime you choose. Trustworthy Software Publicly available source code means that anyone can review it for bugs, security vulnerabilities, and functionality. Hosting Simplified Host your own open source software without having to become a sysadmin. Use the simple web interface to run apps in the cloud. No Censorship Your right to freedom of speech is fully respected, and there will never be any arbitrary censorship or restrictions.