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Plain Text Journal

Plain Text Journal is a personal journaling tool. It is intended to be used as a very simple, no-frills daily diary. It was built with two things in mind: A journal tool should be simple, and easy to use. Writing a daily journal is all about the content. It's not about tagging, categorizing, cross linking and etc.. That's what blogs, wikis and note taking tools are for. Plain Text Journal is different. It's just you and your writing. The interface supports the bare minimum features. Personal journals are long term affairs. Most people keep them for many years. It makes no sense to trap all that content in some database, or proprietary file format. Plain Text Journal saves your entries in plain text. It is a tool that helps you to navigate, organize and create new entries, but at the end of the day it's all just text. You can go back and edit your entries with any text editor at any time.