Pixoff helps you save battery life on AMOLED devices by turning off pixels on the screen. It also includes a night filter and option to make the wallpaper black to help conserve energy as well.
Pixoff helps you save battery life on AMOLED devices by turning off pixels on the screen. It also includes a night filter and option to make the wallpaper black to help conserve energy as well.
Ultimate Battery Saver Pro is a very easy and useful app, a "must-to-have" tool to keep your Android phone working well. Speed ...
KillApps lets you close all running apps at once by a simple touch! it saves battery power , and improves performance. This ap ...
Honestly, most battery saving apps don't save that much power to be worth it without disabling a lot of features on your phone ...
Description DU Battery Saver is a FREE battery saving app that makes your battery last longer! Over 25,000,000 users' choice w ...
CleanTop is a powerful cleaner and booster that cleans phone memory and storage and hence frees up space and saves battery pow ...
JuiceDefender saves battery power (lots of it!) by controlling the device data connection and/or WiFi. You can schedule regula ...
Never should your phone or tablet become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps installed. With Greenify, your device ...
Hibernator provides an easy way to stop all running apps and as a result it saves the battery power and improves performance, ...
Battery saving app with charge monitor and widget.