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Pixelcrush optimizes and delivers your images with best-in-class algorithms and our worldwide CDN. We deliver blazingly fast your versioned images while your servers take care of what matters to your business. Forget offline image processing and make much faster design iterations. Increase conversions and boost sales on your e-commerce shop displaying your product images properly and as fast as possible. Pixelcrush allows easy integration with CMS such as Prestashop. Pixelcrush’s main benefits are:

  • Pay as you go, you don’t need to pay for a plan that doesn’t perfectly match your use-case.
  • Smart-cropping and real-time image moderation with a chainable, easy-to-use and expressive JQuery-like syntax.
  • Custom SSL Domains support.
  • HTTP/2 ready.
  • SEO-friendly URLs thanks to our filter, and origin, aliases.
  • Static files (.js, .css) can be cached and delivered from Pixelcrush, becoming the only CDN you will ever need.
  • GPU aware in-memory software for fast image processing.
  • Pixelcrush works as a proxy for customer’s storage.
  • Worldwide distributed network with DDOS protection for faster content delivery.