PICO (the PIne COmposer) favicon

PICO (the PIne COmposer)

PICO - the PIne COmposer - a simple editor PICO means "very small" and also stands for "PIne COmposer" (or "Pine Internal COmposer"), ie it is a text editor (composer) that ships with the Unix/DOS newsreader "PINE". PICO is designed to be a "simple editor", ie only the bare minimum of commands and simply to use. Very good for beginners who wish to write emails and posts. The editor "Nano" is an OpenSource project/program to replace PICO. See nano's homepage at http://www.nano-editor.org/ .



CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Lazarus.

Features include: Syntax highlight for many languages: C, C++, J ...