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PHP Fat-Free Framework

FAT-FREE is a powerful yet lightweight PHP 5.3+ Web development framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust applications - fast! Condensed in a single 55KB file, the frameworks simple domain-specific language gives you access to Fat-Frees all-purpose template engine, flexible cache, automatic spam protection, integrated unit testing tools, and code profiler. Its so small and fast - it even has a bandwidth throttle for controlling Web server traffic. Its also the only framework that shields you from bandwidth theft and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Fat-Free is also packaged with optional plug-ins that extend its capabilities. Theres the Axon auto-mapping mini-ORM and the M2 MongoDB mapper to help simplify database access, plus an easy-to-use SQL handler for fine-tuning database engine interactions. In addition, theres a powerful HTML forms processor, CAPTCHA image generator, Javascript/CSS compressor, dynamic XML sitemaps, thumbnail and fake image generator, identicons, user authentication, a custom logger, tools for communicating with other servers and handling ZIP archives, as well as API wrappers for Google, Twitter, Yahoo! and Akismet. The framework also has an I18n extension for multilingual applications. Whether youre a novice or an expert PHP programmer, Fat-Free will get you up and running in no time. No unnecessary and painstaking installation procedures. No complex configuration required. No convoluted directory structures. Its all object-oriented, but you can use it as a procedural code library if you know nothing about OOP. Theres no better time to start developing Web applications the easy way than right now! The philosophy behind the framework and its approach to the Model-View-Controller design pattern is towards minimalism in structural components, avoiding application complexity and striking a balance between code elegance, application performance and programmer productivity. Unlike other PHP frameworks, Fat-Free aims to be usable - not usual.



Laravel is a clean and classy PHP framework with minimal configuration and expressive syntax. RESTful routing; ORM; beautiful ...