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Photos to Albums

If you are like us, you would agree that photos are memories of our lifetime and memories are forever. So how do you assure that they stay with you all the time? Albums are the most convenient and efficient way to collect these memories but can you carry your albums with you all the time? Moreover, it is not really easy to get prints of all your photos in this digital age. When cameras are digital, the albums should be digital too. Okay, so we are in agreement so far.. right? Now comes the big question! How Photos to Albums is different from all other album apps available for iPad. Well, we didn’t decide to develop this app overnight. It was a result of frustration we faced when trying to catalogue our photos digitally. We all know, the default photo app from Apple leaves a lot to be desired. So we turned to other third party apps but most of them were actually a joke. It was as if the guys’ who developed the app never actually bothered to create an album with their app.