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Photon AdBlock

Photon Ad Block is a powerful native blocker for Safari that allows you to browse websites without annoying ads and tracking.

Prevents the downloading of ads and other resources provide the following benefits:

  • Pleasant and clutter free browsing experience without the ads.
  • Protection of your privacy without websites tracking your every moves on the Internet.
  • Reduce bandwidth consumption in your cellular plan and save data and money.
  • Browse websites many times faster.
  • Launch Flash websites from Safari with Photon browser integration

Besides blocking ads and trackers, you can also block:

1) External fonts 2) Social widgets 3) Images

for ultimate speed and bandwidth savings. Photon Ad Block is the ad blocker designed for the discerning web surfer who cares about reclaiming their own privacy and space with Safari. In addition, Photon Ad Block allows you to launch Flash websites with our #1 Flash browser - Photon Flash Browser right from Safari.