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PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects. Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, open and extract 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE(*), ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported archive file formats for archiving and for extraction. PeaZip is released under Open Source LGPLv3 license, free for any use (private and professional), all PeaZip packages are secure downloads and do not contain advertising or harmful software. Moreover portable packages, for Linux and Windows, does not need installation: simply extract and use the application. PeaZip provides fast, high compression ratio multi-format archiving to 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PEA, TAR, WIM, and ZIP file archives (write supported), and works as opener / extractor tool for 180+ archive types including ACE, ISO, RAR, ZIPX formats. For more information about archive creation and extraction performances compared with other popular file archivers tools, read file compression and decompression benchmarks page. PeaZip deploys a powerful and complete file manager for viewing, browsing and searching archive files, featuring a wide set of data security functions: strong encryption (AES, Twofish, Serpent), encrypted password manager, optional two-factor authentication (encryption with password and keyfile), secure delete, and file hashing tools. Written in Lazarus