Passwords favicon


This is a Password Manager for viewing, editing, categorizing and generating passwords in ownCloud. It features both client side and server side encryption (using combined EtM [Encrypt-then-MAC] and MCRYPT_BLOWFISH encryption with user-specific, ownCloud-specific, and database entry-specific data), where only the user who creates the password is able to decrypt and view it. So passwords are stored heavily encrypted into the ownCloud database. You can insert or import your own passwords or randomly generate new ones. Some characters are excluded upon password generation for readability purposes (1, I, l and B, 8 and o, O, 0). This app is primarily intended as a password MANAGER, e.g. for a local ownCloud instance on your own WPA2 protected LAN. If you trust yourself enough as security expert, you can use this app behind an SSL secured server for a neat cloud solution. The app will be blocked (with message) if not accessed thru https, which will result in your passwords not being loaded (decrypted) and shown. To prevent this, use ownClouds own 'Force SSL'-function on the admin page, or use HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) on your server. Also, make sure your server hasn't any kind of vulnerabilities (POODLE, CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection, Privilege Escalation, Remote Code Execution, to name a few). Source code is on GitHub: