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Stress and anxiety are caused by an ongoing cycle of fear. Physical feelings cause fearful thoughts which cause actions. Your heart starts racing, so you think you’re in danger, so you want to escape. Pacifica is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), relaxation techniques, and wellness. Pacifica's daily tools attempt to break this cycle by targeting each of its components:

  1. MOOD How were you feeling last Thursday? Six months ago? Take time to rate your mood and feelings throughout the day. This way, you can track your improvement over time and learn your triggers.
  2. RELAX Pacifica offers three relaxation exercises: deep belly breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and positive visualization. Just put on your headphones, choose a soundscape and listen whenever you need to calm yourself.
  3. THOUGHTS When your mind is running wild, use Pacifica to double-check yourself. Learn to identify negative thinking patterns and develop a more balanced perspective. Over time, you’ll build a thought diary too.
  4. EXPERIMENTS Feeling courageous? What could you do today that would cause you some anxiety? Create an experiment then do it! Start with easy experiments and work your way up to bigger ones. There’s no rush.
  5. HEALTH Getting enough sleep, exercise, and limiting caffeine and alcohol can help manage stress and improve mood. Set goals and track yourself each day.


Feeling that the noise of the big city is too much for you to bear? Just turn on the sound and allow yourself to become engulf ...