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PAC Manager

PAC is a Perl/GTK Gnome replacement for SecureCRT/Putty/etc... It provides a GUI to configure SSH/Telnet connections: users, passwords, EXPECT regular expressions, macros, etc.

Unique Linux application to impletement almost every SecureCRT's functionality.

Remote and local macros.

Remotely send commands with EXPECT regexp.

Cluster connections!! Connections on same cluster share keystrokes!! Proxy support.

KeePassX support! Serial/tty connection via cu/tip/remote-tty connections!! RDP (via rdesktop) and VNC (via vncviewer) support!!

Pre/post connections local executions.

Line-send dealy capabilities.

TABS OR WINDOWS for connections!!

Quick access to configured connections via tray menu icon.

Wake-On-LAN features!

Many many more I just forgot, and many many more to come (ASA I find time!) FREE (GNU GPLv3)