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OUTDATEfighter Keeps your programs updated so you'll always enjoy the latest features.

Automatic Software Download Every time a program's version is updated our crawlers will find it and notify you. This crawl is done on our servers throughout the day to make sure you will always have the newest, most secure and stable version from the software publisher's original download source. Faster Applications Having the latest version of a program ensures you that the newest technologies are applied and saves you a lot of CPU and RAM usage. Your system will work faster and the applications themselves respond more quickly and flawlessly.

Quick Database Scan Even with access to a database of over one million updates, our servers make a quick scan of your system and automatically find the software in need of an upgrade. This database is updated daily and will always have the newest versions.

Easy Installation A 1-click installation makes it easy always keeping your software updated. You have full control of which programs you'd like to install and with the push of a button you can automatically start to download and install everything.

100% Free of charge OUTDATEfighter is a free software updater for Windows. There are no hidden costs or secret conspiracy. This is a free gift from us to keep all your essential software programs as good as new. Just download, install and enjoy.

Secure Downloads Before a new software version is made available to users through OUTDATEfighter we install and test the new update for virus and spyware infections. This guarantees that no update will include a potential threat from the software vendor.