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OpenWISP is a software platform that can be used to implement a complete public wifi service. The suite includes applications derived from tools used to offer public wifi service in different European countries. Automatic VPN configuration, users connectivity and access points management are gathered centrally at the operative center. This permits the use of pre-existing connectivity and a centralized monitoring: cost-effectiveness at its finest. Users can self-register with a simple (and free) mobile phone number verification. Registration and account management is performed by users and operators through fancy web interfaces. Allows multiple networks with different security profiles, distributed among multiple VPNs. Captive Portal can be customized for each single access point.



DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The ...



Gluon is a modular framework for creating OpenWRT-based firmwares for mesh servers with radio waves technology. Several Freifu ...



OpenWRT ( open - wireless receiver transmitter ) is a niche Linux distribution mainly installed on embedded devices, e.g. resi ...