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Onenote Web Clipper

You're busy. OneNote Web Clipper lets you quickly clip all or part of a web page to OneNote, and save it for later. Clip images, pdfs, videos, or a visual bookmark of a page. Best of all, you can access them from any computer, tablet, or phone - even when you're offline.


  • NO CLUTTER! Articles, recipes, or products can be clipped without all the ads, navigation, and noise.
  • Highlight text, adjust the fonts, or add a note before you clip.
  • Clip the whole page or several selections on the page. It's up to you.


  • All or part of a web page
  • PDF files - online or on your computer
  • Any image on a web page
  • Videos from YouTube or Vimeo
  • Create a visual bookmark of the page