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OldNewExplorer is a shell extension and tweaker which can undo "improvements" to file browsing that was added in Windows 10, 8.1 and 8. It has many options allowing you to completely restore Windows Explorer to the old style or only change what you don't like.

You can restore the devices and drives grouping which made more sense to some in Windows 7 and 8. You can also restore libraries and remove folders that were added into Windows 8.1 This puts the libraries back to where they were, without registry hacking or breaking apps. If you don't like the restore command bar or Ribbon you can get rid of them as well as restore the details pane at the bottom It also improves the style and can get rid of some Windows 7 specific things and enhance styling with some built-in visual styles. To install extract files into a directory where you can find it. Run OldNewExplorerCfg.exe and click Install. To uninstall run OldNewExplorerCfg.exe and click Uninstall.