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OfficePhysio is an online video exercise service to prevent and cure computer-related back, neck & shoulder problems. How does it work? Simple. On users watch and imitate easy office-suitable exercises. Customized exercise programs, reminders, and statistics enhance user effectiveness and experience. Clinical studies have shown that users feel noticeably better after only 6 weeks. Besides the medical advantage, OfficePhysio is the first professional B2B2C cloud service that helps companies to reduce sick leave days, to comply with health & safety standards for both on-site and off-site employees (e.g. consultants) and to increase employee retention and motivation. Also, it provides the opportunity to be socially responsible with the optional incentive program “A good deed with every exercise” which supports good causes.

OfficePhysio: computer work without back problems!



Physiotec offers a health and fitness software with exercise programs for physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises