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Nucleon BI Studio

Nucleon BI Studio (Business Intelligence Studio) is a powerful and innovative business intelligence and data analysis software for the Oracle, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, IBM Netezza, Ingres, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird, SQLite, MS Access, MS FoxPro, dBASE, EffiProz database systems. It supports R software for statistical computing, ODBC and OleDB connections to any database and direct connections to MS Excel, Pradox, IBM Lotus Notes, CSV, Text and XML files. LINQ Query BI Studio allows you to execute dynamic LINQ queries to database objects or data. Using dynamic LINQ query editor, you can execute LINQ to EF, LINQ to Dataset and LINQ to XML queries. It provides also descriptive statatistics methods for data analysis. SQL Query BI Studio provides powerful and intuitive SQL query editor to execute query commands. Using dynamic SQL Query, you can execute SQL commands or scripts agaisn any database system. The Query editor supports code highlighting, code completion (IntelliSense) and text find/replace features. Data Reporting BI Studio provides one of the powerful and modern reporting system, which helps you create flexible and feature rich database reports. You can create (design) advanced and rich database reports, add images, charts or cross-tables (pivot tables) to the reports. The reports can be exported to PDF, XPS, XML, HTML, Word, Excel, RTF, TXT, CSV, EMF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF etc. file formats. Business Intelligence with R BI Studio integrates the R statistical analysis software, combines LINQ, SQL and sophisticated statistical analysis with business intelligence to deliver low cost, high-performance data warehouse solutions. It can be used with the combination of SQL, LINQ and R statistical software. Using BI Studio with R combination, you can analyze your database data with R Scripts.

Oracle OLAP

Oracle OLAP

Oracle OLAP is a world class multidimensional analytic engine embedded in Oracle Database 11g. Oracle OLAP cubes deliver sophi ...