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Running teams is hard. Especially when the data you need lives in a dozen disparate tools and you need to populate requests for analyst reports, bug your colleagues to add data to your spreadsheets or beg IT to spend months implementing an expensive BI solution. You want a self-service tool that is easy to use, but still gives you advanced features like the ability to mash up data from multiple sources, run advanced data formulas, integrate with your critical tools and create custom team polls.

You need a tool gives you the data you need, when you need it: Now.

Meet Notion - the data tool you'll actually use. • Collecting and integrating data in Notion is easy with absolutely no coding or IT required. Connect to your data via integrations, our API, our google sheets uploader or with one click manual updates. Then build charts and dashboards in minutes - not days, weeks or months.

  • We make it easy to understand your data. Our chart builder is simple and intuitive with instant visualization of your data. In moments, you can track important individual metrics or combine data from multiple sources via more complex formulas. Plus, we automate report updates, so you never have to nag colleagues for their data again.
  • Notion is built for data collaboration. The true value of your data comes when you share, discuss and collaborate on it. Capture the story behind your data by including contextual comments on individual metrics and in live, easy-to-create shareable reports. Surface relevant charts in the appropriate channel in Slack via our integration.