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NoteBLOX is a mobile first, bug tracking and digital proofing system that lets even the least technical users collaborate on websites. NoteBLOX works on any mobile device including iPhones, Android….Tablets and all browsers. We’ve designed NoteBLOX for interactive account managers, creative and UX designers. NoteBLOX lets your users collaborate and create a note right on the site with just a single tap. NoteBLOX Solves the chaos and confusion between marketers and developers. As changes are are needed comments and ideas must be shared. NoteBLOX allows for clean, pain free communication.

  • If I’m a product manager I’m continually monitoring everything the impacts my revenue. I have ideas that I need to share with my team. NoteBLOX can help.
  • If I’m a web designer, I need feedback from my team members, or I have no idea what I need to change. NoteBLOX can help.
  • If I’m a VP of marketing, I need a clean easy way to quickly assess what we have done and what we have to do…across all our digital content…and start a conversation
  • If I write content for our company blog, I need a way of getting feedback before we go live. NoteBLOX can help.
  • If I write emails I need a way to share what I’ve written and get feedback on the newsletter. NoteBLOX can help.
  • If I do prototyping on systems, I need a way to have team members who might all live in different cities and different time zones to tell me what they think…and a place to argue. NoteBLOX can help.
  • If I am an account manager I want a way to work with my clients on the work that we just delivered. I might be in Chicago and they might be in New York…and it shouldn’t matter. No more syncing images, collating screenshots and managing all the crazy details of what they want. Users can highlight issues and add annotations right on the actual website. Everybody on the team can see, share and collaborate from whatever device they are on. NoteBLOX brings everybody together.