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Nlyte Software

Nlyte Software was formed in 2004 by data center managers driven to find a better way to manage the complexity of data center resources, assets and staff than the limited arcane tools that were in use. They knew that spreadsheets, Visio and CAD drawings were tactical responses to a strategic problem that did not address the mission critical nature of computing. Today, over 13 years later, Nlyte Software is delivering our 8th generation of products to hundreds of customers worldwide, based on market and customer feedback. We pride ourselves on being laser-focused on our clients, ensuring they derive maximum business value from our solution. In 2014, Gartner initiated the DCIM Magic Quadrant for Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools and has recognized Nlyte as a Leader for 2014, 2015, culminating in 2016 with the highest placement in the Leader quadrant. Nlyte was the first to deliver the industry’s benchmark for Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) and now this product is the foundation for the next evolution of our state-of –the-art data center solutions – Data Center Service Management (DCSM).Whereas DCIM helps an organization manage data center infrastructure, Nlyte’s DCSM solution goes beyond to not only to manage infrastructure but also to empower data center personnel to perform their job functions more efficiently – all while synchronizing information and activities to other systems that depend on accurate data center information. As the leader in DCSM, Nlyte helps organizations start with DCIM to manage their infrastructure but ultimately enables them to expand their use of Nlyte to build state-of-the-art data centers while constantly reducing the costs of delivering SLAs to their business. With the acquisition of FieldView Solutions, now branded as Nlyte Energy Optimizer, Nlyte is extending its capabilities to include real-time event management for proactively managing data center infrastructure to ensure IT service continuity



DCIM, Data Center Infrastructure Management, is a software that gives data center operators the ability to run efficient data ...