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New Color

Recolor, adjust, edit and create the perfect photo content by using the groundbreaking photo retouching, recoloring and editing features of New Color. Give your photos the perfect color enhancement without struggling with needless complexity.

  • Flawless and super-easy photo retouching and recoloring with your fingertips. It gives you photo edit features to replace every color in your image and add a vibrant new look to your favorite color or black and white photo.
  • From adding colors to black and white photos to changing shirt or even eye colors, there are so many different uses of New Color. Literally, any photo can be retouched and recolored in seconds with its own flair and charm.
  • Intuitive UI and powerful editing and photo retouching features are easy to use and with an in-app tutorial, you can quickly become a photo retouching and recoloring master!