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Netcut Defender

Netcut defender is a free tool offered by to keep your network’s (including WI-FI) internet speed super fast. protect your PC from ARP spoofing attack. typically arp spoofing from netCut(which is another 10 years age product of same company from

100% guaranteed internet connection speed stay fast.

Protect all your network connections including WI-FI in one place. No setup configuration required. zero network knowledge required. install / run and forget about it. oh, maybe one thing will remind you, “how in the world my WI-FI/network could run so fast”. With this free little tool, now you can safely browse at free WI-FI internet at McDonalds or star bucks

It also come with a internet speed testing check . a Mac address Brand checker

NetCut Defender can do

  1. Easy to use, automatically protect all network of your PC away from Netcut cut off. or any other ARP spoofing.

  2. Fast, Ensure Internet Gateway address spoof proof.

  3. Safe, worry free. 24×7 running automatically.

  4. No need configuration. no network knowledge required. no need to know any thing about your network. just run and enjoy the safe network.


NetCut is a Software that helps you admin your network by purely on ARP protocol. List IP-MAC Table in secs, turn off & on ...