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My Travel Stories

There are many apps you could use to journal your travels, be it diary apps, or the stock Photos app; but none of them are a true, focused, travelling journal app. My Travel Stories is a dedicated app, where you can add photos and descriptions for each; nothing more, nothing less. There are also many review sites and many platforms to share your photos/opinions on, but none of them has true human-to-human interaction. At least that’s how I feel. When you write down your thoughts in a journal, you write in a certain way; you write for yourself; you write for your future self; you write with empathy; you create memories, not simple reviews. We are social creatures and I really think it’s much more rewarding to read a story, not a simple review; to experience a memory, not read a simple description about a place; to feel another person’s feelings about a photo. And My Travel Stories offers just that: a way to search places and/or follow others to be up-to-date with their entries. You’ll get a glimpse of other people’s lives, as they want it to be remembered by themselves.