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MultiCAD is easy to use and is perfect for beginners without CAD-experience. MultiCAD is the culmination of more than 25 years of experience with CAD for the building and construction industries. Several leading players in the building industry have been using MultiCAD for a decade and base their entire production on MultiCAD. This is due largely to the fact that MultiCAD was designed with wood construction and building methods in mind, and it is noted for its ease of use. MultiCAD is an much cheaper alternative to for instance ArchiCAD, TurboCAD and DDSCAD. MultiCAD also came in a Home-version which is quite cheap and has most of the functions from the Full-version.

Is MultiCAD easy to learn and easy to use? Yes, for years MultiCAD has been renowned for its simple and transparent user interface – compared with that of its competitors. For this reason, we have received quite a lot of positive feedback. But there is always room for improvement, which is why we recently launched wizards with video, text and images, all built into MultiCAD as standard. The wizards deal with the most basic aspects of MultiCAD. For example, they show you, step by step, how to draw a garage. A rookie user, will be able to draw a garage within 3 hours with the aid of our wizards.

Is MultiCAD efficient? Yes, MultiCAD is based on drawing with complete constructions (objects), not a dumb 3D box. These objects have defined characteristics that tell us how they will “behave” on the plane, front and in 3D. Today MultiCAD contains more than 3,000 objects – everything from refrigerators to outer walls and roof tiles. The latest version, MultiCAD v.11, boosts efficiency by almost 50% with the aid of automated work process such as the following: -Automatically generated cutting lists -Automatically generated construction drawings -Automatically generated amounts lists for use in Microsoft Excel. Try MultiCAD for free today!