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MS Paint IDE

People joke about what IDE they use often, things like Word, MS Notepad, sometimes even Eclipse, and then often times MS Paint. People joke about MS Paint because it's not even a text editor, people joke about it because it doesn't have one feature in common with IDEs. Well, this application gives MS Paint a boost, and lets MS Paint highlight, compile, and execute code, with just a few clicks of a button, and only text coming from MS Paint. It is now much more practical than things like Word, Notepad, and obviously Eclipse.

How it works The way the MS Paint IDE works, is it is an application running separate from MS Paint. You input some locations for things like input image, output image location, compile to folder, etc. Once you save your code to MS Paint, you click Compile/Execute and the program uses a custom OCR implementation designed specially for MS Paint and code, then syntax highlights it, and then uses Java's JDK to compile the code and execute it. All output from the compiler and application compiled are outputed via images.