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Moonify is a processing power-based monetization platform for digital publishers, streaming platforms, content creator and online games. We have built a respectful and ethical browser-based cryptocurrency miner that can be easily added to any website with 4 lines of code. Our browser miner is a great option for webmasters who wish to remain transparent and compliant when they monetize their traffic. Our solution enables you to engage your audience and sustain their contribution over time through incentives and rewards. Moonify aim to create a new economic model for content editors and provide an alternative to ad-based monetization that is threated with ad-blockers and paywalls. Users always maintain full control of their CPUs when using our miners - they can set the maximum allocated speed and have the option to opt-in/out whenever they wish. For the moment, XMR and ETN is mined and 70% of the rewards are given to webmasters. The remaining reward is redistributed to your visitors in the form of our bitMoony token.