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Mondrian offers all the tools needed to create, modify, and export simple SVG files. Basic editing capabilities Strict drawing with the pen tool Loose drawing with the crayon tool Shape manipulation (scaling & rotation) Individual point manipulation with bezier controls Basic typography Zoom, eyedropper Smooth, efficient tools & operations File import (via FileReader) SVG File export SVG PNG (via canvas API) Clean UI Minimal "flat" aesthetic with little visual distraction A smart UI that shows only utilities that can be used at that moment Layout Basic dot grid with snapping for layout


Mondrian also supports undo/redo through a (somewhat rough and unstable) file history API that Stores operations, not states Is tiny and JSON-serializable, so it can be persisted to a server and loaded back up in another session Can visually reconstruct a file's entire history step-by-step

SVG Path Builder

SVG Path Builder

Easily create SVG paths easily using a simple and intuitive interface, complete with keyboard shortcuts, import and export opt ...



AutoDraw is an intuitive drawing tool for everyone. It's a Google Experiment project that provides relevant suggestions as you ...