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Track how much you and your family use your iPhone and iPad each day, automatically • Set daily limits on it and find a balance for the screens in your life Now on the Apple Watch • Quickly see how long you and your family have used your phone today.

  • You'll see a colorful icon for each one of your family members on your glance. Green means well under their daily limit, yellow means getting close, and red screams they went overboard. • No, the app doesn't track how long you spend looking at your watch. Moment Family • Monitor all of your family member's screen time too.
  • Look at your entire family's day from the comfort of your own device. • Start screen-free family dinner time, which means for the next 60 minutes, every time a person in your family picks up their iPhone or iPad, an annoying alert will go off and everyone will hear it. How embarrassing!
  • You can decide how long each family dinner time will last.
  • Everyone in your family can start family dinner time, including your children.
  • Schedule it for the same time every day. • Change a family member's daily limit and force them to put down their phone when they're over that limit. What the app does • Tracks how much you use your iPhone or iPad automatically. • Tracks how many times you pick up your iPhone each day. • Force yourself off your device when you're over your limit, and force your family members to do the same. • Break down each day to see when you're on your device. • Tracks where you go each day, and have it plotted on a map. • Invisible app. Once you set it up and as long as the app is running in the background, you never have to open it again. • Choose from 6 relaxing reminder sounds and 6 intense sounds for your daily limit reminders.

Warning to parents: Moment is not strictly about parental control. Using Moment Family as a parent gives you certain powers, but your children have power too. • If your daughter notices you on your phone while you're supposed to be watching a fa