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MollyCule is a completely free Open Source Chemistry visualisation program for MacOS, Linux and Windows. MollyCule is designed to be a nice, easy to use program to help ordinary people who want to explore Chemistry. It's probably not ideal for PhD researchers, but it's great for high school students and undergraduates. Traditionally, chemistry visualisation packages have used keyboards or complicated mouse-gesture systems. In MollyCule, you simply point, click, and MollyCule flies you around the molecule with animation. MollyCule can produce animations automatically in real-time, that are very suitable for using alongside a powerpoint presentation or as a backdrop to a class or simply for fun at home. You can also use MollyCule as a screensaver, with the built in 'Drifter' mode. It's simple to produce beautiful pictures for reports and essays using MollyCule. Just set the picture up the way you like, and save it as a PNG or JPG. You don't need to understand any complicated chemistry, and you don't need to be clever with computers to use it. There's a simple control panel, and no complicated menus to remember. MollyCule has a flexible yet straightforward system for lighting.