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mellivora - Mellivora is a CTF engine written in PHP

Features Arbitrary categories and challenges. Scoreboard with optional multiple team types. Manual or automatic free-text submission marking. Challenge hints. Team progress page. Challenge overview page. Limit category and challenge exposure to certain times. Challenge reveal on parent challenge solve (by any team). Optional signup restrictions based on email regex. Local or Amazon S3 challenge file upload. Optional automatic MD5 append to files. Admin management console with competition overview. Create/edit front page news. Arbitrary menu items and internal pages. Optional total number and time-based submission throttling. User management with IP correlation. Internal log for catching exceptions. reCAPTCHA support. User-defined or auto-generated passwords on signup. User/Email/IP search. Configurable caching. Caching proxy (like Cloudflare) aware (optional x-forwarded-for trust). Optional separate domain for static files. Segment analytics support. SMTP email support. Bulk or single email composition. TOTP two factor auth support. CTF Time compatible JSON scoreboard. Self-serve and admin password reset. and more ...

BOCA Online Contest

BOCA Online Contest

Although each local site runs its competition independently (for example, the programming environment and the submission syste ...